We will not have our usual service but join a Berkeley parish this week. Read on for more details.

We will resume with a special evensong for Easter on April 22 at 6:30pm.

Holy Week is the most moving time of the Christian calendar. Each day marks the move to the cross and the joy of the resurrection. There are many options in Berkeley for you to make journey and your Easter experience will be enriched if you can participate.

St Mark’s Berkeley : 2300 Bancroft Way
Wednesday – Tenebrae Service: 7:30 pm. A dramatic service that marks the gathering darkness of Holy Week.
Thursday – Maundy Thursday liturgy: 7:30pm. Marks the last supper with the disciples, the founding of the Eucharistic meal, and includes a foot washing service.
Friday – Good Friday liturgies at noon and 7:30
Saturday – Easter Vigil: the first celebration of Easter. 7:30pm
Sunday – Easter services at 8 and 10pm.

St Clement’s Berkeley: 2837 Claremont Boulevard
Thursday – Maundy Thursday: 6:30 soup supper and Eucharist. Stripping of the altar to follow.
Good Friday – 12 – 3pm the St John Passion by Bach and meditations on the cross.
Easter Sunday – choral liturgies at 8 and 10am.

All Soul’s Berkeley – 2220 Cedar Street
Maundy Thursday – noon and 7:30pm
Good Friday – 9 am, 12-3pm, 4pm, 7:30pm
Saturday – Easter Vigil, 8:30pm
Easter – 7:30, 9, 11:15am.

Good Shepherd Berkeley – 1823 9th Street
Wednesday – Tenebrae service 7pm
Maundy Thursday – 7pm
Good Friday – 12 pm
Easter Sunday- 11 am

St Alban’s – 1501 Washington Street, Albany
Maundy Thursday – 6:30pm, dinner in the parish hall and then liturgy to follow.
Good Friday – noon to 1pm, 7-8pm
Saturday – Easter Vigil 7pm
Easter Sunday – 10am

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